jueves, julio 27, 2006

Common Dialog save location

You can add locations to the Places Bar in Open/Save As dialog box, using TweakUI

TweakUI v2.00 for Windows XP/XP MCE [564 KB].

TweakUI v2.10 for Windows XP SP1/XP MCE/2003 [147 KB].

Open TweakUI, Common Dialogs, Places Bar.

For Office applications, see these links:

Office XP - Customize the My Places Bar in the "Open" and "Save As" Dialog Boxes

OFF2000: How to Customize the Places Bar

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell

What You Should Know About the Sasser Worm and It Variants:

"chrisb" ...@smithtransport.com> wrote in message news:AC036970-7B5C-404A-AFF6-89B04140831D@microsoft.com...

I want to add to the list that shows up on the left when you go to save a file. Any idea

Hi Chris,

For Pro:

Go to Start/Run and type in: gpedit.msc then navigate to:

User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/ Windows
Explorer/Common Open File Dialog/Items Displayed in Places Bar.

Choose Enabled then paste or type the link to the folders that you want


Add Folders to the "Save As" Dialog (Places Bar) Line 118

Or use TweakUI/Common Dialogs

To hide the Common Places Bar: For Pro go to Start/Run and type in:
gpedit.msc. User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows
Components/Windows Explorer/Common Open Places/Hide the common dialog places

Note: To see the difference between the views, open Notepad and choose
File/Open before and after applying Enabled.